#057 Ech wëll eppes vun dir – mä wat?

Méi wéi Sex – Staffel 2
#057 Ech wëll eppes vun dir - mä wat?

Et kribbelt am Bauch, wann ech eng Persoun gesinn, mä heescht dat, datt ech verléift sinn? Kann sech eng néi Frëndschaft wéi verléift-sinn ufillen? Wisou well ech verschidde Leit just kucken an net upaken? D‘Kelly an de Joël schwätzen an dëser Episod iwwert déi verschidde Forme vun Unzéiung an erkläre Konzepter, fir besser mam Gefillschaos ëmzegoen.
An der Rubrik schwätzt den Elie iwwer: Pleasure Mapping. Dës ass eng Technik wou ee Kierperdeeler erfaasst vir erauszefanne wat sech gutt ufillt, a wat net. Du wëlls wësse wéi? Da lauschter eran.


Smush – (based on sexual attraction) a strong desire to be sexually close to or have a sexual relationship with a specific person; ex. of usage: “They’re so smushable”/“i’m in complete smush for you”/“Who’s your current smush?”

Crush – (based on romantic attraction) a strong desire to be romantically close to or have a romantic relationship with a specfic person; ex. of usage: “I have a crush on you”/“I’m currently crushing on [x]”

Squish – (based on platonic attraction) a strong desire to be platonically close to or have an intimate friendship with a specific person; ex. of usage: “I have a squish on [x]”/“I’m squishing so hard for you”

Lush – (based on sensual attraction) a strong desire to be sensually close to or engage in sensual activities with a specific person; ex. of usage: “I have a lush for you”/“I’m in total lush with you”/“Who are you currently lushing for?”

Swish – (based on aesthetic attraction) a strong desire to be aesthetically close to or have freedom to continue aesthetic appreciation of a specific person; ex. of usage: “I have such a swish for [x]”/“Who are your top five swishes?”
